Xianc78's Personal Website

I go online by xianc78 (doesn't have any meaning; pronounce it however you want). This website will be a main hub of all my stuff because social media is just not enough.
My main interests are computers, video games, programming, game development, Linux, conspiracy theories, and LibRight/Individualist politics (emphasis on voluntaryism/anarcho-capitalism).


My favorite programming language is probably Go (for web and desktop application stuff). For gamedev, I use C++ and SFML. Other languages I know include C, C#, Python, Java, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, Batch files, Visual Basic, and MIPS Assembly.

Video Games

I mainly play on PC these days, but I don't play the latest AAA stuff. It's either indie games or emulated ROMs. I don't even have a gaming PC and just game on whatever I currently have.

As for specific genres, I tend to like action-adventure games like Metroidvanias or Zelda-clones. I also like FPS games, platformers, and RPGs. Other genres are for when I'm in the right mindset.


By definition, I guess you can call me an "anarcho-capitalist", but I feel like I go beyond that. I honestly don't care what political/social/economic system people live by as long as it is voluntary, so I'm more of a Panarchist in that sense. I also like the terms "Voluntaryist" and "Autarchist" to describe me since they have less negative bagage than "anarcho-capitalist" or "libertarian" and are more inclusive and less alienating.

I'm an avid supporter of The Seasteading Movement. I think the solution to the problems we face should be done through start-up societies, and the ocean is the perfect place to do it because nobody owns it.